Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preventing the Flu:

Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs

Fact Sheet

The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu. There also are flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat and prevent the flu.

1Avoid close contact.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

2Stay home when you are sick.

If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.

3Cover your mouth and nose.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

4Clean your hands.

Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.

5Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

6Practice other good health habits.

Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Diet vs. Exercise for Weight Loss

Everyone likes to attack weight loss differently. There are those who like to combine exercise and nutrition; others change their eating only; and some would rather hit the gym and run rather than give up their favorite foods.

Weight loss is possible by watching what you eat exclusively, but the research says that any successful long-term weight loss program includes a strong exercise component. In fact people who diet often regain all the weight they've lost and then some. Not to mention that constantly restricting food can be irritating, leaving us feeling grumpy, tired and hungry all of the time.

So why is exercise better?

1. Exercise changes your metabolism
Physical activity changes the energy equilibrium (your metabolism) of your body by increasing the amount of energy your body needs every day.

2. Cardio burns calories
One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose weight you need a calorie deficiency of 500 a day to lose a pound a week (500 x 7 days = 3500). It's better to eliminate calories with exercise because restricting food can actually lower your metabolism.

3. Activity breeds more activity
Studies show that individuals who exercise are generally more active throughout the day.

4. Working out builds muscle
You can increase muscle mass and the size of your muscle fiber by exercising (especially weight bearing activity). In order to nourish these fibers the body uses calories from fat that are stored in the body. As your energy requirements go up, you burn more fat during exercise and all day long. So the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, the faster you lose weight.

I'm not going to lie: It's hard to burn tons of calories through exercise alone. That is a lot of mornings hoofing it on the treadmill. Obviously for the best success, combining caloric restriction with exercise will get you to your goals faster. I like to eat high water-content and fiberous foods like veggies and fruits that are low in calories but still fill me up.

Find a few activities that you really enjoy doing, and get in at least twenty to thirty minutes a session a few times a week. My knees are bad, so even though jogging/running is a great calorie burner, I have to take a spin class or do a rigorous walk in order to get my time in. Figure out what is best for you so that you'll be able to maintain these activities on a regular basis and, ultimately, make a lasting life change.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Get a Better Haircut - Making the Most of Your Salon Visit

By Dave Alexander,

Photo by: Troy Farina | Courtesy of Metro Men's Grooming, Inc.

If you've ever received a bad men's haircut, you know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. A bad haircut for men is sometimes the fault of the barber or stylist doing the work, but the blame often lies with the client. Having unrealistic expectations, poor communication, or an unfriendly disposition can lead to a bad experience. The following are my "insiders tips" on communicating with your barber or stylist and making the most of your salon visit to ensure you get exactly the men's hairstyle you're looking for.

1. Make an Appointment
Barbershops and salons which offer appointments normally have a higher standard of customer service. Walk-in driven salons are focused on volume and, as such, are more likely to rush through your service in an effort to do as many haircuts as possible. An appointment ensures your barber or stylist will not feel the need to rush through your haircut and allows ample time to complete the service with attention to detail. It is important to be on time for your appointment and to call ahead well in advance if you're not going to make it.

2. Be Nice
It's always been my opinion that there are three people you never want to make mad -- your hairstylist, your tattoo artist, and your brain surgeon (especially the latter). You should always make an effort to treat your barber or stylist with respect and a friendly attitude, even if the haircutter is not reciprocating. The person cutting your hair can really ruin your day -- or several weeks, for that matter) -- so it's important that he or she has a positive feeling about you.

3. Listen to Your Stylist
Barbers and stylist are trained and paid to make you look good and will know what styles best frame your face and enhance your features. When your stylist makes a suggestion, give it a try. As guys, we often stay in the comfort zone by getting the same haircut year after year. Don't be afraid to change it up a bit. If you don't like the cut, it will always grow back (well, almost always).

4. Be Realistic
If you're not Brad Pitt, chances are your stylist can't make you look like him. Using a male celebrity as a guide for the type of haircut you're after is fine, but it's important to be realistic in what to expect from a stylist. If your hair is fine and thinning, Colin Farrell's latest cut probably won't work on you. Take a magazine photo with you to show your stylist the cut you're after. If it's not realistic, a good barber or stylist will tell you so and then make suggestions on similar alternatives which will work for you.

5. Bring a Photo
Guys and hairstylists often seem like they are speaking different languages, but a photo is always clear. If you've got a particular style you are after, it is always best to take a picture with you to make sure your barber or stylist knows exactly what you want. For some reason, many guys feel uncomfortable taking a photo. Don't be. Your barber or stylist will appreciate the effort and will see exactly what you have in mind. Browsing my men's hair picture galleries would be a great start.

6. Don't be First or Last
Admittedly, I'm not often at my best first thing in the morning. It takes me some time to get warmed up and focused on the task at hand. Of the 12 barbers and stylists in my shop, about half are just like me. Such is the case, I try to schedule haircuts with a higher degree of difficulty later in the day. On the flip side, a stylist can often be tired after eight hours of standing behind the chair and will have more difficulty focusing at the end of the day.

My advice? Make an appointment in the middle of the day. This is also a good idea because many salons are slower and your stylist will likely have more time to spend with you. Finally, never attempt to "squeeze in" at the end of the day. Showing up five minutes before a salon closes will almost always guarantee a rush job. Remember, barbers and stylists enjoy leaving work on time, too.

7. Tip Well
Most people who cut hair for a living will never admit it, but we almost always spend more time with clients who are good tippers than we do with those who are not. Clients who are generous with gratuity will often receive preferential treatment when booking appointments and receive a greater attention to detail during the service. For more on tipping, please read my guide for tipping your barber or stylist.

8. Find a Barber or Stylist Who Cuts Your Style Well
Here's a comment you'll almost never hear on the golf course: "Bob your flattop is fabulous! Who does your hair?" Getting men to talk about hair is next to impossible, but keep in mind that the best way to find a barber or stylist who suits your style is to ask. Find a guy who has a haircut similar to the cut you're after and just ask him, "Cool cut. Who did it?" He'll consider it a compliment and you'll find a new stylist.

Of course, maintaining a great looking head of hair involves more than good communication with your barber or stylist, but follow these basic guidelines and you're off to a great start!

Monday, April 6, 2009

How to shave a bold head:

For men, having a smooth bald head is becoming very popular, especially since NBA start and girl magnet Michael Jordan showed off his bald head.

Years ago, shaving your head bald was probably not the first hair cut choice for men, but now having a shaved head is a fashion statement for men, giving you a sharp and sophisticated look.

Just take a look at some male celebrities who are using the bald head style such as Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis, and even movie characters like Hitman and even some women celebrities wanted to try the look (Britney Spears).

So why are so many men deciding to shave it all off? Having a shaved head actually helps highlight the more masculine features you have. You can take more advantage of your eyes or strong chin.

But before you rush into the bathroom to shave your head be aware that the bald head style is not for every man. In reality you have to find the men's haircut style that fits you, the shape of your face, the structure of your facial bones, your hairline etc. The best candidates for the bald head style are men who have a round shaped head, not pointy. But to get an idea if the bald head style is for you, try wearing a swimming cap and see how it looks.

So if the bald head style is for you, here are 5 steps on how to shave your head bald. They are easy to follow and remember to take a hot shower first to open up your pores and soften your hair to get a close shave.

1. If you are starting out with long hair, then start by getting your hair trimmed, if possible to a buzz cut style or similar. You can ask your barber for help or do it at home, just be careful and patient.

2. Now that your head is ready for shaving, you need the right head shaving products. For the bald head style we only recommend HeadBlade, this product is designed for men who shave their head bald and also Bold for Men.

3. Apply the head shaving cream and let it soak in for 1-2 minutes.

4. Use the HeadBlade Razor, it's the easiest, safest and modern way to go about shaving your head.

5. Once you're done rinse off and apply the HeadBlade moisturizer

And that's it! Enjoy your new bald head style! This is all you need to do. It may not come perfect the first time, but as you become used to it, it will be a walk in the park.